Life has been something else lately. I can't imagine many people get the opportunity to stay at home all day every day with their whole family for a couple months at a time. We're having a blast, remembering that we will never get this opportunity again (God-willing; it's fun but unemployment isn't something we hope will happen again anytime soon). We're moving to Ripon on August 27th, and my first Sunday will be September 2nd.
I can't believe how quickly the days go by, still. I've found myself several times almost in tears thinking about how hard it will be for me to switch from staying home to full-time employment. If the days go fast now, what will happen when I'm gone for most of the day? At the same time, I am giddy-excited about starting my job. I'm trying to come up with ideas that will make full-time employment and motherhood more balanced. For example, I'm going to try to arrange for my workday to start later in the morning so that I can spend the mornings with Evelyn, and I want to lead a weekly afternoon Bible study in our home.
We've been filling our days up pretty well, spending time with family and friends a lot and getting some stuff done that we might not have time for later like sorting books and repainting furniture. We've also spent some time painting and clearing out the house we're living in so that my in-laws can rent it out when we move out. We were clearing out the basement, and found this on one of the floor beams:
It's a Catholic tradition-- the Blessing of the House, from the first year they lived there. On the Feast of Epiphany each year, they use blessed chalk to write the first two numbers of the year, then the initials of each of the three kings-- Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar-- then the last two numbers of the year, then they say a prayer to bless the house for the year to come.
We've also been preparing for Evelyn's first birthday. We aren't having a big party-- just a few friends and family. Below is her gift from us. Don't tell her, but the big one is a bike seat so she can ride with us on our bikes and the top one is some cat pajamas. She's obsessed with cats right now. Incidentally, the last week for Evelyn has been full of milestones. I think she is quite the talker for her age, but I don't really know what's normal. She already says daddy (di-deeeeee), Nos (na), and mommy (which comes out, "Bob-Bob." I kid you not), plus she meows at cats and says "Muh!" when she kisses, "Ummmmmm" when she eats, and "Oo!" when she plays peek-a-boo. She isn't walking yet, but she will be any day now. She just needs to realize she can let go.

The past couple of days, the main thing that has been taking up my time is that I'm making curtains and some other things for our house in Wisconsin. We never got the chance to set up Evelyn's nursery because at first she didn't have her own room and then when we moved to Ohio it was so uncertain, we didn't do anything special with her room. So yesterday we went and picked out fabric for curtains, a crib sheet, and a pillow to go on the glider. I finished it all much more quickly than I expected, so now I have to figure out which room to work on next.
She sat on my lap while I sewed for far longer than I expected. She's seriously the most patient baby that ever existed.
You can kind of see in this photo that she has a little bruise under her right eye. The story either goes that she got in a fight with a 15 month old ninja, or that she fell on a laundry basket. You choose.
Here is the finished crib sheet and one of the sets of cafe curtains. We didn't have a curtain rod for this photo, so yes, they're on the Swiffer. I'm really pleased with myself for this crib sheet. I actually used this
online tutorial. If you are crafty at all, this is a great project. It took me less than an hour.
Well, just wanted to catch you all up. Life is fun, and we're so excited for what's to come!